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A Moment in Time

I am so very thankful that we took the time that Saturday in October '15 to go out to my aunt and uncle's farm and get our family photos taken! We decided that each family would wear a different color, and I'm not going to lie - it was difficult for me to get the same color palette for the 5 of us! It was also difficult for us to find a day that would work for everyone. But it was so worth the effort!!! We had so much fun that day out in the pasture! We had no idea that almost six months to the day later, we would have to say good-bye to Dad and then almost 11 months to the day later we would have to say good-bye to Mom. So thankful we all made the effort to get together that fall day in 2015! If I could give you one piece of advice it would be - don't put off getting family photos taken! Yes - it will be difficult to get everyone together at the same time. Yes - it's going to be hard trying to figure out what everyone is going to wear. And, yes, there are going to be some grumblers in your group! But after the planning and countless phone calls to parents, and siblings, and kids, and after many shopping trips trying to figure out what everyone is going to wear and after the date decided on has come and gone... you will have in your grasp, treasured photos from a fleeting moment in time.

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